5. VFR Procedures
The section outlines the Standard Operating Procedures for VFR Operations at Bahrain International Airport (OBBI)
Apart from some circuit traffic, VFR traffic is rare in OBBI due to the vast stretches of water around the island and the highly restricted airspace to the south.
5.1 Delivery VFR Procedures
5.1.1 VFR Departures into Uncontrolled Airspace
There are no published VFR routes in the Bahrain CTR. Aircraft shall therefore be cleared on track to their destination (see 5.2). The airspace around the Bahrain CTR up until 1000ft AGL is uncontrolled and does not have to be coordinated.
All VFR departures shall be assigned a dicrete SSR code so that they may be identified on the radar.
Example: Pilot:
"BAHRAIN Delivery, A9C-AA, Request Departure to the South on track Sakhir Air base (OKBH)"
"A9C-AA, BAHRAIN Delivery, Cleared on track SAHIR, Altitude 1000 feet VFR, Squack 6006"
"Cleared on track SAHIR, Altitude 1000 feet VFR, Squack 6006"
"A9C-AA, Readback Correct, Information Charlie current, QNH 1011, Report Ready for Startup"
5.1.2 VFR Departures into Controlled Airspace
VFR aircraft requesting clearance to climb into approach airspace (above 2500ft inside the CTR or above 1000ft AGL outside the CTR) shall only be cleared after prior coordination with APP. Otherwise they shall be instructed to remain outside controlled airspace after leaving the control zone.
All VFR departures shall be assigned a discrete SSR code so that they may be identified on the radar.
Example: Pilot:
"BAHRAIN Delivery, A9C-AA, Request Departure to the West on Track DAMMAM, Altitude 10000 feet"
"A9C-AA, BAHRAIN Delivery, Cleared on Track DAMMAM, Altitude 10000 feet VFR, Squack 6001"
"Cleared on Track DAMMAM, Altitude 10000 feet VFR, Squack 6001"
"A9C-AA, Readback Correct, Information Charlie current, QNH 1011, Report Ready for Startup"
5.1.3 VFR Traffic remaining in the circuit
VFR traffic wishing to remain in the circuit shall be cleared only after prior coordination with TWR.
All VFR circuit traffic shall be assigned a discrete SSR code so that they may be identified on radar.
Due to the huge prohibited area to the south of OBBI, all circuit traffic shall be conducted to the north of the aerodrome (left hand circuits for runway 12L and right hand circuits for runway 30R).
Circuit altitude is 1000ft for piston aircraft and 2000ft for Jet aircraft.
VFR circuits shall not be permitted at the aerodrome during times on increased IFR departure or arrival activity.
"A9C-AA, BAHRAIN Delivery, Cleared Left-Hand Circuits, Altitude 1000 feet VFR, Squack 6004"
5.2 Tower VFR Procedures
The Bahrain control zone is class D that means that TWR is responsible for IFR/IFR separation and shall provide traffic information concerning VFR aircraft.
5.2.1 VFR Departures
Once VFR aircraft are ready for departure, they shall be cleared for take-off in sequence. As they begin their crosswind turn, they shall be instructed to report leaving the control zone.
If aircraft are exiting into uncontrolled airspace, they shall be instructed to remain outside controlled airspace and monitor Unicom. If they are entering Bahrain TMA airspace, they shall be handed off to the Bahrain TMA controller approximately one minute before leaving the control zone.
5.2.2 VFR Traffic remaining in circuit
TWR control is responsible for managing circuit traffic. Circuits will always be conducted to the north of the airfield. Once aircraft are ready for departure they shall be cleared for take-off in sequence. As they begin their crosswind turn, they shall be instructed to report when they are on downwind with their intentions.
"A9C-AA, Report Downwind with Intentions"
Aircraft may request a touch and go, a stop and go, a low approach or a full stop landing. Once TWR is aware of the aircraft’s request, they may be sequenced to the runway, with due consideration given to runway occupancy time.
Aircraft on downwind shall be passed the following information:
- Sequence
- Traffic Information if applicable
"ATT, Cleared to land / for Touch and Go / for Low Approach"
Aircraft conducting a Stop and Go shall be required to report ready for departure.
5.2.3 VFR Arrivals
Inbound VFR aircraft shall be instructed to contact TWR with enough time such that two-way radio communication has been established before aircraft enter the control zone. On first contact, TWR will pass instructions on how to enter the CTR, the runway in use and the QNH.
"ATT, Bahrain Tower, Enter Control Zone on Track Bahrain, Runway 30R, 2000 Feet VFR, QNH 1017"
Once they are closer to the aerodrome, they shall be given circuit joining instructions.
"ATT, Join Base Runway 30R"
VFR arrivals may be denied entry into the control zone during times of increased IFR arrival activity and instructed to hold outside controller airspace awaiting further instructions. VFR aircraft may also be told to orbit on any leg of the circuit.